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Apcalis Oral Jelly 20mg

Apcalis Oral Jelly 20mg

Apcalis is a new, more popular and improved Cialis. It contains the same amount of the active substance tadalafil, which relaxes the smooth muscles in the penis and helps with an excellent erection. Apcalis Oral Jelly is also popular for its light and fun application. Just push the contents of the sachet straight into your mouth. The dose dissolves in the oral cavity within a few seconds and is absorbed through the mucosa directly into the bloodstream.

27,99 €
22,99 € -18%
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100% jelly replacement for the popular Cialis. 
-        extremely fast onset of action
-       7 fruity flavors
-       treats both organic and psychogenic erectile dysfunction
-        accelerates regeneration after seed production
Apcalis is a new, more popular and improved Cialis. It contains the same amount of the active substance tadalafil, which relaxes the smooth muscles in the penis and helps with an excellent erection. Apcalis Oral Jelly is also popular for its light and fun application. Just push the contents of the sachet straight into your mouth. The dose dissolves in the oral cavity within a few seconds and is absorbed through the mucosa directly into the bloodstream. You don't need to drink water after it. You can take it on a trip or in a car and use it according to the situation. 
Apcalis Oral Jelly is characterized by one of the fastest onset of action among drugs treating erectile dysfunction. You will feel the pressure in your pants in ten minutes. But don't think that Apcalis Oral Jelly is enough to make you sexually aroused.Apcalis is not an aphrodisiacand stimulation is needed to achieve sexual arousal. 
Apcalis Oral Jelly helps with problems with organic, psychogenic and combined erectile dysfunction. Due to the active ingredient tadalafil, rapid recovery occurs after ejaculation. There is a possibility of repeated sex

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The recommended dose for 36 hours is one sachet. It takes effect after 10 minutes and the effect lasts from 24 to 36 hours.

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